Seduced and Abandoned – by Opera

Once upon a time there was a (My) Opera. She was small and lovely. What a pity it’s over!

She made me e-homeless for a little while but later offered her similar services.

So I’m here now. I start to furniture. But how should I know how long can I live here? Nowadays we live in a sand castles after another. Nothing can be trusted.

I don’t hope that my only blog post will be imported here. I did everything in accordance with the instructions written here  but I’m absolutely not sure about the success.

Anyway, let this post commemorate my short Opera life:



 (Yes, I wrote there in Hungarian. But now here: new e-homeland, new language.)

And now let’s see an excerpt from the film has given the post title:

Update (2015.03.27.):
Well, as I told in my first Hungarian-language post, here we are:
the video embedded here previously is no longer available.

Oh, Brave New e-World!


Some more about the film:

Sedotta e Abbandonata / Seduced Abandoned

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